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July 2018

Vol. 160 | No. 1384


At the Royal Academy of Arts

This is the Royal Academy’s year. The venerable London institution has celebrated its 250th anniversary by unveiling a redevelopment that has added seventy per cent more public space, staging a Summer Exhibition that has garnered five-star reviews, mounting an exhibition, The Great Spectacle, which traces the history of the annual exhibition since its inception in 1768, and publishing a monumental multi-author history of itself and its collections.1

Editorial read more
Exhibition Review

Delacroix (1798–1863). Musée du Louvre, Paris; A Modern Struggle: From Delacroix to the Present Day. Musée National Eugène Delacroix, Paris

The last few years have seen a remarkable upsurge in exhibitions and scholarly studies on Eugène Delacroix. In 2013–14, Delacroix and the Matter of Finish was shown at the Santa Barbara Museum of Art and the Birmingham Museum of Art, Alabama, and in 2015–16 Delacroix and the Rise of Modern Art was mounted by the Minneapolis Institute of Art and the National Gallery, London.1 

Exhibition Review read more
  • François Ier et l’art des Pays-Bas. Edited by Cécile Scailliérez.

    By Nicholas Herman
  • Die textilen Geschenke Papst Bonifaz’ VIII. (1294–1303) an die Kathedrale von Anagni: Päpstliche Paramente des späten Mittelalters als Medien der Repräsentation, Gaben und Erinnerungsträger. By Christiane Elster

    By Lisa Monnas
  • Ghirlandaria: Un manoscritto di ricordi della famiglia Ghirlandaio. Edited by Lisa Venturini

    By Jean K. Cadogan
  • Sebastiano del Piombo and the World of Spanish Rome. By Piers Baker-Bates

    By Aimee Ng
  • The Art of Philosophy: Visual Thinking in Europe from the Late Renaissance to the Early Enlightenment. By Susanna Berger

    By Paul Taylor
  • Painted in Mexico, 1700–1760: Pinxit Mexici. Edited by Ilona Katzew

    By Gauvin Alexander Bailey
  • Horace Vernet and the Thresholds of Nineteenth-Century Visual Culture. Edited by Daniel Harkett and Katie Hornstein; Horace Vernet. Dessinateur lithographe 1816–1838: Catalogue raisonné de l’oeuvre lithographié. Edited by Pierre Sanchez

    By Michèle Hannoosh
  • Plaster Monuments: Architecture and the Power of Reproduction. By Mari Lending

    By Matthew Wells
  • On Weaving: New Expanded Edition. By Anni Albers

    By Charles Darwent
  • The Apparently Marginal Activities of Marcel Duchamp. By Elena Filipovic

    By Taylor Walsh
  • Rodin and the Art of Ancient Greece. British Museum, London

    By Richard Thomson
  • The Silver Caesars: A Renaissance Mystery. Waddesdon Manor, Buckinghamshire

    By Jeremy Warren
  • Visitors to Versailles (1682–1789). The Metropolitan Museum of Art, New York

    By Laurel Peterson
  • Jacques-François Blondel, an Enlightenment Architect in Metz. The Arsenal, Metz

    By Louis Cellauro,Gilbert Richaud
  • Delacroix (1798–1863). Musée du Louvre, Paris; A Modern Struggle: From Delacroix to the Present Day. Musée National Eugène Delacroix, Paris

    By Simon Lee
  • Monet & Architecture. National Gallery, London

    By Kathleen Adler
  • Kupka: Pioneer of Abstraction. Grand Palais, Paris

    By Christopher Masters
  • America’s Cool Modernism:O’Keeffe to Hopper. Ashmolean Museum, Oxford

    By David Anfam
  • Joan Jonas. Tate Modern, London

    By James Boaden
  • Adrian Piper: A Synthesis of Intuitions, 1965–2016. Museum of Modern Art, New York

    By Martha Buskirk
  • Glasgow International. Various locations

    By Susannah Thompson