One of the most remarkable museums to have opened in Britain in many years, the Spanish Gallery at Bishop Auckland, County Durham, is impressive in a number of ways over and above the fact that it is devoted to that seemingly most unEnglish of subjects: the art of Counter-Reformation Spain.
Following the publication ten years ago of the rich collection of Renaissance plaquettes assembled by the Milanese industrialist and philanthropist Mario Scaglia, this splendid two-volume catalogue presents his outstanding collection of Renaissance and Baroque medals.
With its third extension, the Kunsthaus Zurich can legitimately claim to be the largest museum in Switzerland. The competition is fierce in a country where recent initiatives to expand museums have multiplied, such as the extension of the Kunsthaus Basel by Christ & Gantenbein (2016) and more recently the erection of the new Musée Cantonal des Beaux-Arts de Lausanne (MACBA) by the Estudio Barozzi Veiga (2019).